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Thursday, 6 August 2015

#MonopolyChallenge...all the places on the board in one day

Hello everyone...
A little while ago, I saw a video on the DailyMix YouTube Channel where Jim Chapman and ThatcherJoe were challenged with a Monopoly Scavenger Hunt. They had two hours to see as many places on the Monopoly Board as possible. 
Watch the video here
And yesterday, my sister and I tried the challenge except we changed it slightly and tried to go to every single set of places on the board in one day. We didn't do the stations and we made one mistake and went to Whitechapel instead of Whitechapel Road. The two of them are really close but I wrote the names down incorrectly on the piece of paper we were using to mark off the ones we had seen. 

Brown Set

Old Kent Road

Whitechapel Road

Grey Set
The Angel Islington 

Euston Road

Pentonville Road

Pink Set 
Pall Mall 


Northumberland Avenue

Orange Set 
Bow Street

Vine Street 

Marlborough Road

Red Set
The Strand
(That is a terrible photo but the street sign does say the Strand  ;))
 Fleet Street

Trafalgar Square

Yellow Set
 Leicester Square


Coventry Street

Green Set
Oxford Street

 Bond Street

Regent Street

Blue Set 
Park Lane 

(We couldn't find an actual street sign that said Mayfair so we took several photos to prove that we were actually there :))

Okay, well that is it for this blog post. I hope that you enjoyed it and maybe feel inspired to go and do the Monopoly Challenge as well. I recommend not doing them in the order as they are on the board but instead using a map to check which places are closer to each other and do them in that order. 

For example, we went to Euston Road, Pentonville Road and the Angel Islington first and then went around Central London, to the Strand, Trafalgar Square, Bow Street, Pall Mall, Mayfair, Park Lane, Bond Street, Oxford Street, Piccadilly, Regent Street, Coventry Street, Whitehall, Northumberland Avenue and Leicester Square. Whitechapel Road, Fleet Street, Marlborough Road, Vine Street and Old Kent Road are a little more spread out and in slightly more obscure places and we did those last. 

Anyway, have fun!


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